Only One Country Is Making Progress On Electrifying Everything

"The USA, of course, is far behind..."
August 19, 2024


  • Electrifying everything is a key solution to fixing climate change, as shown by Mark Z. Jacobson’s work and other global luminaries.
  • Solar or wind energy for electricity is much more efficient and less wasteful than fossil fuels, as shown by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory data.
  • Major economies like China are leading in electrification efforts, leading to lower carbon emissions and more efficient energy usage.

For close to twenty years, it’s been clear that electrifying everything is a key climate change wedge. Mark Z. Jacobson’s work in the USA and then internationally with his 100% Renewables by 2050 modeling laid much of the groundwork for this. Luminaries from around the world, such as Saul Griffiths, Hans-Josef Fell, Fatih Birol, and Mark Diesendorf, have been focused on this key solution as well.

In my regularly iterated Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work, electrify everything is first on the list as a result. Why is that?


Read the full post at CleanTechnica.

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