Trump’s Project 2025 promises billions of tonnes more carbon pollution – study

Experts say climate policies contained within rightwing manifesto would wreck US climate targets and cost jobs.
August 14, 2024

From The Guardian - Climate Change


  • Enacting the rightwing Project 2025 policies would result in billions of extra tons of carbon pollution in the US, harming climate goals, clean energy investments, and jobs.
  • If Trump embraces Project 2025, emissions will significantly increase by 2.7bn tons by 2030, impacting job loss, GDP, and clean energy deployment.
  • Electing Harris would continue climate-friendly policies, doubling emissions reductions, creating jobs, and putting the US on track to cut emissions by 37% by 2030.

The impact of Donald Trump enacting the climate policies of the rightwing Project 2025 would result in billions of tonnes of extra carbon pollution, wrecking the US’s climate targets, as well as wiping out clean energy investments and more than a million jobs, a new analysis finds.

Should Trump retake the White House and pass the energy and environmental policies in the controversial Project 2025 document, the US’s planet-heating emissions will “significantly increase” by 2.7bn tonnes above the current trajectory by 2030, an amount comparable to the entire annual emissions of India, according to the report.

Such a burst of extra pollution would torpedo any chance the US could meet its goal of cutting emissions in half by 2030, which scientists say is imperative to help the world avert disastrous climate change. It would also, the analysis found, result in 1.7m lost jobs in 2030, due to reduced clean energy deployment that is not offset by smaller gains in fossil fuel jobs, and a $320bn hit to US GDP as a wave of new domestic renewables and electric car manufacturing is reversed.


Read the full post at The Guardian - Climate Change.

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