New Florida Law Requires Mandatory Flood Disclosure, Helping Homebuyers Understand Their Risks

Florida can't say "climate change" but sellers must disclose "federal assistance was given due to flooding"
May 30, 2024


– Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in Florida requiring sellers to disclose flood risk information during the homebuying process.
– The new legislation aims to provide greater transparency for homebuyers in a state where one-third of properties face a severe risk of flooding in the next 30 years.

(TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA – May 30, 2024) – Yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed bill (HB 1049) into law, requiring sellers to disclosure significant details about their property’s flood risks during the homebuying process. This includes providing buyers with filed insurance claims related to flood damage and disclosing whether federal assistance was given due to flooding. Though it does not require the seller to disclose information of a home’s past flood damage, this is a first step in ensuring greater transparency when buying what is often the largest purchase in an individual’s life. 

The new legislation will take effect on October 1, 2024. This comes at a time when storms are becoming more frequent and intense, with at least one third of state properties predicted to face a severe risk of flooding in the next 30 years. 

Read the full post at Environmental Defense Fund.

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