Michael Mann: “Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial”

"We must vote climate deniers and delayers, and fossil fuel lackeys, out of office and vote for climate champions instead."
May 10, 2024


  • The current trajectory of climate policies is not enough to limit warming to safe levels, as many countries are not meeting their commitments under the Cop26 agreement.
  • Despite improvements, current policies may only limit warming to 3°C, with Cop26 obligations potentially bringing warming below 2°C, but more action is needed.
  • Michael E Mann emphasizes the importance of political will, especially to support effective climate policies and measures, and calls for the election of climate champions and the removal of fossil fuel industry supporters.
  • The key to overcoming political obstacles to climate action lies in collective action, voting out climate deniers and fossil fuel apologists, and electing leaders who prioritize climate interests above special interests.

Key passage:

Michael E Mann is a climatologist and geophysicist, and is currently the director of the Centre for Science, Sustainability, and the Media at the University of Pennsylvania. His most recent book, Our Fragile Moment, was published last year and looks at the lessons we can learn from the Earth’s geological history in the fight against climate change.


What will it take to overcome these political obstacles to climate action?

It will take collective action on our part. We must vote climate deniers and delayers, and fossil fuel lackeys, out of office and vote for climate champions instead. Many of the needed actions – economic incentives for clean energy and disincentives for fossil fuels – cannot be accomplished by us, but only by our elected leaders. They must represent our interests above special interests

Read the full post at New Statesman.

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