Deloitte Details Roadmap to Achieving Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Each year of delay in reducing carbon emissions can lead to significant incremental costs.
May 19, 2024


  • Deloitte’s analysis emphasizes the urgent need to scale up innovation and collaboration in order to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Postponing the process of capturing emissions will result in dramatically less effective outcomes compared to acting now.
  • Despite a slowdown in the economy, global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise, indicating the importance of immediate action.
  • Each year of delay in reducing carbon emissions can lead to significant incremental costs, amounting to as much as $150 billion.
  • Collaboration across industries and strategic planning are key to achieving a successful energy transition and reducing emissions.

From CleanTechnica:

New report emphasizes the urgency of scaling, innovation, and sequencing change across five strategic verticals for energy transition

Deloitte’s new report, “Energy Transition: The Road to Scale,” explores a potential roadmap for the future, outlining strategic initiatives and cross-sector collaborations to help make net-zero emissions by 2050 a reality.

Direct link to Deloitte report:


Read the full post at CleanTechnica.

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