– A personalized, interactive guide to high-impact climate action has been developed based on scientific research.
– The guide focuses on specific actions that can substantially reduce emissions and contribute to system change.
– It includes feedback from readers to prioritize actions that make a real difference in addressing climate change.
Quoting from the post:
What makes this guide different?
It’s based on research quantifying the most effective, high-impact climate actions.
It’s not about doing a million small things, hoping that “every little bit helps.” Rather, it’s about identifying the few big things where research shows your actions can substantially move the needle.
It personalizes its guidance based on your answers, so you’ll automatically be directed to the next specific action you should take to have the biggest impact. No more analysis paralysis.
It focuses on the actions you can take that are most likely to contribute to system change, while also maximizing the emissions you reduce here and now.
It goes beyond just your carbon footprint to include your 5 Climate Superpowers– as a citizen, professional, investor, consumer, and role model.
Read the full post at We Can Fix It.