Fossil Fuels Are in Everything from Plastics to Makeup, but Cleaner Alternatives Are Emerging

"around 70,000 everyday products are made with petrochemicals produced from fossil fuels"
April 17, 2024

From WRI


  • Fossil fuels are integral to producing thousands of everyday products, emitting carbon dioxide and toxic pollutants in the process.
  • The chemical industry can reduce emissions by replacing fossil fuels with alternative feedstocks such as electrolytic hydrogen and waste biomass.
  • Defossilizing chemical production will require significant effort, investment, and policy support to overcome technological and supply limitations.


  • From crayons, cosmetics and carpeting to fabrics, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals, around 70,000 everyday products are made with “petrochemicals” produced from fossil fuels.
  • “Petrochemicals” — chemicals derived from fossil fuels like petroleum, natural gas and coal — are present in just about every material that is not 100% organic, mineral or metallic. This includes plastics, electronics, textiles, cleaning products, rubber, paints and thousands of other synthetic products that most people use every day.
  • New WRI analysis looks at defossilization opportunities in the U.S. for four primary chemicals: ethylene, propylene, ammonia and methanol. 


Read the full post at WRI.

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