Daily Chart: G20 spends three-times as much on fossil fuels as clean power

G20 countries must prioritize funding clean energy over fossil fuels to honor their COP28 commitments and combat climate change effectively.
April 9, 2024
white and yellow plastic pack
Photo by Eelco Böhtlingk, Unsplash


  • G20 countries provided three times more public finance to fossil fuels than clean energy between 2020 and 2022.
  • Significant amounts of money were channeled towards fossil fuel projects rather than transitioning to cleaner energy sources, in violation of COP28 commitments.
  • Despite some positive trends towards investing in clean energy, countries like Canada, Japan, and Korea still heavily support fossil fuels with public finance.
  • The majority of fossil fuel funding went towards gas projects, with coal funding dwindling due to increasing coal exclusion policies.


  • The OCI and Friends’ of the Earth’s analysis shows that G20 countries provided a yearly average of $44bn to fossil fuels via Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), compared with just $14bn on clean energy.
  • Canada was the single-biggest provider of fossil fuel finance in this period, having spent $11bn (C$14.91bn) in public finance on oil and gas compared with just over a billion on clean energy.

Read the full post at Energy Monitor.

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