All Commercially Available Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies, in One Chart

Which options are proven, and which options have the most future potential?
April 9, 2024

From Visual Capitalist - Decarbonization

The following content is sponsored by the National Public Utilities Council

All Commercially Available Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies, in One Chart

Long duration energy storage (LDES) technologies can store electricity for 10+ hours, complementing intermittent renewables, boosting grid resiliency, and reducing fossil fuel dependency. 

Created in partnership with the National Public Utilities Council, this chart lists the characteristics of LDES technologies that have commercial or pre-commercial readiness, using data from the LDES Council’s Net-Zero Power report and 2023 deployment update

The Four Primary Types of LDES

Before getting into the details, let’s


Read the full post at Visual Capitalist - Decarbonization.

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