‘New Kind of Industrial Revolution’ to Create 260,000 Jobs over the next 16 years in NYC

The plan involves increasing electrification within the city, both for cars and apartments.
March 7, 2024

New York City has announced plans to create 260,000 “green collar” jobs over the next 16 years.

The new opportunities will show up “in retrofitting apartment blocks, installing solar panels, EV charging stations, and wind turbines across the five boroughs,” The Independent reports.

“Climate change is real. We see it every time we see the coastal storms. And let’s be clear: we are in February, and you could go outside without a jacket on,” Mayor Eric Adams said last week. “Something is just not right.”

So “our Green Economy Action Plan will harness the growth of a new kind of industrial revolution and give New Yorkers the tools they need to build a resilient and prosperous city.”

The plan is meant to triple the number of green jobs in the city, to 400,000, by 2040, The Independent says. Job training under the city plan will give priority to people from “environmentally disadvantaged” communities, with work force training centers built in each of New York’s boroughs and more than 12,000 new apprenticeships established in green building and construction.

New York is also looking to add battery storage along the East River and turn two acres near John F. Kennedy Airport into the city’s biggest electric vehicle charging facility.

Read the full post at The Energy Mix.

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