Wind is Reliable. It’s Time for New England to Plan for More of It

New England must invest in wind energy to reduce emissions enough, but doing so will also help the grid be more reliable during intense storms.
February 13, 2024


New England’s electricity system is rapidly evolving. Thanks to proactive state climate policies and market forces, cheap renewable power is replacing fossil fuels. As the system changes, it is critical that grid operators like ISO New England—which maintains reliability for six New England states by ensuring there is enough power to keep the lights on—accurately evaluates the benefits that renewable resources provide in order to properly value their contribution to the system. Renewable energy like offshore wind can provide crucial reliability benefits to the region, especially during extreme weather events when this energy is most needed.

ISO New England recently published a study examining the impacts of extreme weather—which will become more severe and frequent because of climate change—on the electricity system. One notable result was the performance of wind. The ISO’s model recognizes the correlation between wind output and extreme weather events, which are often characterized by high wind speeds. This means that wind is providing power when the system is the most in need, keeping the lights on during the worst winter storms. 

Read the full post at NRDC.

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