From Politico
- The European Greens doubled down on their climate ambitions in the party’s election manifesto adopted on Sunday.
- The European Union should step up its efforts to fight climate change, “go beyond” a 55 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and “achieve full climate neutrality by 2040,” the party said in its EU election manifesto.
- That’s a decade earlier than currently agreed at the EU level, with the Green Deal calling for reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
- The election manifesto, which was adopted by a large majority of national delegations, warned that meeting these climate objectives “must not rely on false solutions such as geo-engineering.”
- The final manifesto, for example, calls for the EU energy system to rely on 100 percent renewable sources and to phase out all fossil fuels by 2040, “starting with coal by 2030.” It also calls on the EU to adopt a plan for phasing out “fossil gas and oil as early as 2035 and no later than 2040.”

Extended Congress, Lyon, France
European Greens bring together national parties that share the same Green values, and who are active across the entire European continent – both within the European Union and beyond. We are striving for a Green transformation of Europe and its economy that will bring about a progressive and sustainable future for all its citizens.