Will the Future Be Abundant?

Those arguing “yes” say people have better access to resources and technological advances are making us more prosperous. Those arguing “no” say...
January 8, 2024

Today, humanity is thriving, but there are fears the good times will not last. Will tomorrow be better than today? Those arguing “yes” say people have better access to resources and technological advances are making us more prosperous. Those arguing “no” say there are widening socio-economic disparities, our globalized world is bound to collapse, and we’re not doing enough to fight climate change. Now we debate: Will the Future Be Abundant?

Watch the full debate: https://youtu.be/plivyvhJ2WE

Arguing Yes: Peter Diamandis, Founder and Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation

Arguing No: Peter Zeihan, Geopolitical Strategist

Text above is from original video description.
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