The EU got its first climate report card. It’s not good.

"The pace at which greenhouse gas emissions are being reduced must double, starting immediately..."
January 17, 2024

From Politico

Select quotes from the published article:

Now’s not the time for Green Deal fatigue. In fact, Europe must accelerate its efforts.

That’s the blunt conclusion in a major, first-of-its-kind assessment from the EU’s top climate science advisory body on how Europe is doing in its goal to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

The pace at which greenhouse gas emissions are being reduced must double, starting immediately, if the EU is to hit its 2030 goal to cut emissions 55 percent below 1990 levels.

Here are seven key messages from the advisory board’s report.

  • National governments must do more — or Brussels should step in
  • Agriculture needs reining in — is a meat tax coming?
  • Climate blowback is a worrying new trend
  • Nuclear ‘not as important’ as other tech
  • Smaller houses, smaller cars — Europeans should consume less
  • Europe needs to kick its gas addiction


Read the full post at Politico.

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