Not just another dot on the graph? Part II

Was 2023 expected by climate models, and what is in store for the future?
January 16, 2024

Annual updates to the model-observation comparisons for 2023 are now complete. The comparisons encompass surface air temperatures, mid-troposphere temperatures (global and tropical, and ‘corrected’), sea surface temperatures, and stratospheric temperatures. In almost every case, the addition of the 2023 numbers was in line with the long term expectation from the models.

There were a few minor changes this year: Old versions of the NOAA STAR TMT data are no longer available and so they’ve been removed. All NOAA NCEI surface temperature lines are now using v5.1. New comparisons for SST and TMT-Corrected were added mid-way through last year and have also now been updated.

Read part one at: Not just another dot on the graph?

Read the full post at RealClimate.

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