Fossilized Finances: Oil and Gas Subsidies in the Permian Basin

Approx 70 percent of public fossil fuel subsidies the NRDC identified support finding new wells and pumping oil and gas from them.
January 24, 2024


Select quotes:

  • New fossil fuel development is incompatible with the world goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • [Public] subsidies place an unfair burden on the shoulders of taxpayers already impacted by the effects of fossil fuel–charged climate change and pollution. And they direct taxpayer monies to an industry that already has sufficient capital to fund its own work, clean up its own messes, and reap substantial profits.
  • Approximately 70 percent of the subsidies we identified support finding new wells and pumping oil and gas from them.
  • To prevent full climate catastrophe and curb further environmental injustices, it is essential to stop the flow of public subsidies to oil and gas company operations, especially in the Permian Basin.

Read the full post at NRDC.

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