New breed of climate protesters vows to take fight to ‘cowards’ of US politics

Climate Defiance will also focus “more and more” on state-level demonstrations designed to deter policymakers from approving fossil fuel projects.
December 26, 2023

From The Guardian - Climate Change

A climate protest group backed by a cadre of Hollywood film-makers is preparing to take action against “cowards” and “criminals” of all political stripes as the 2024 election approaches.

Climate Defiance, which disrupted events featuring a string of Biden administration officials this year, and targeted Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, in December, will consider protesting at events staged by both Democrats and Republicans on the campaign trail after concluding that its “very disruptive” action was bearing fruit.

In an interview, Michael Greenberg, the group’s co-founder, told the Guardian it will also focus “more and more” on state-level demonstrations designed to deter policymakers from approving fossil fuel projects.


Read the full post at The Guardian - Climate Change.

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